Shorten your time to market and cut the cost of any data warehouse or data integration project using the Framework that applies design & development standards, reusable modules and software components.

Take control over your data integration development and maintenance

Data Integration Framework enables you to have design & development standards at your disposal. Using reusable modules and software components ensures high quality and faster time-to-market for any data warehouse or data integration project by leveraging industry leading ETL/ELT tools and data storage platforms.

Key Benefits


Using NEOS DI Framework negates non-existing development and documentation standards through the use of documentation and development standards.

Efficiency and Reusability

Eliminates inconsistent approach to common tasks and single usage of developed components through ETL process templates and generic modules, as well as industry specific data models & reusable algorithms. Tightly integrated with different ETL Tools (OWB, ODI, Informatica, etc.).

Best Practices

Removes high implementation cost and risk by using proven principles and modules and based. The Framework is based on hands-on experience and tested on a number of projects.

Easy Maintenance

By completely eliminating the need for different consoles, logs and monitoring tools, the framework enables easy monitoring and administration through a single console.


NEOS DI Framework is a set of different components ranging from different types as standards and architecture recommendations, predefined modules & templates to support integration with specific ETL/ELT tools, SW components supporting advanced scheduling and agents performing all kinds of running and maintenance tasks. 



Design & Development Standards

- Logical stages & modelling principles
- Physical architecture landscape & guidelines
Data Modeling
- Industry Specific Data Models & Patterns
- Naming Conventions
- Physical Parameters (Tables, Tablespaces, Sequences, etc.)
- Standards for partitioning, compression
- Database Configuration Parameters
- Best Practice Reusable Algorithms
- Standardized ETL Module Parameters
- ETL/ELT Tool specific components & configurations

Common ETL/ELT Templates & Components

- Standardize ETL/ELT development
- Increase development efficiency
- Ensure team members intra-projects switching
- Avoid inconsistent approaches and enable ETL/ELT developers to focus on business defined transformations rather than system tasks
ETL/ELT Tool-specific objects
- Predefined ETL/ELT process/module templates for each stage (staging, enterprise model, data mart, etc.)
- Common pre/post process and mapping components interacting with framework repository
- Reusable, pre-defined modules for the standardization of complex tasks (scd2, complex calculation, etc.)

Advanced Scheduling & Parameterizations

- Schedule each ETL/ELT process execution period, including data loading window definition
- All defined context parameters are automatically available as parameters to use in ETL module for data extraction and filtering/identifying dataset to be processed
Schedule Definition
- Process (created in ETL/ELT tool)
- Process schedule template
- Source (if the same process is used for multiple sources)
- Calendar (if different calendars are used for different sources or schedules)
Schedule Context
- Execution Period (sec, min, hour, day, workday, week, month, quarter, year)
- Offsets (definition of how data extraction parameters should be calculated)
- Dataset extract date calculation (can be calculated based on schedule date, period from, period to, current timestamp, etc.)
- Can easily simulate how execution period will look like based on defined schedule

ETL/ELT Tools Repository Integration

- Extracting all available ETL/ELT metadata defined in a specific tool
- API interfaces for other framework module required functionalities (starting process and similar)
- Standard templates/components for each supported ETL/ELT tool
- Utilities for automatization of specific development, deployment and other tasks
ETL/ELT Tool-specific objects
- Repository data extraction logic interfaces
- API interfaces
- Process/mapping templates and pre/post modules
- Development and deployment automatization utilities/scripts
Supported ETL/ELT Tools
- Oracle Data Integrator
- Oracle Warehouse Builder
- Informatica PowerCenter

Common DI Metadata Repository

- Provides storage for all data integration metadata related entities
- Enables additional parameterization including using legacy DI code
- Defines a common metadata model for ETL/ELT repository tools interfaces
- Environment (Environments, Repositories, Contexts, etc.)
- ETL Objects (Process, Module, Steps)
- Data Models (Models, Stores, Areas, Relationships, etc.)
- Scheduler (Schedules, Calendars, Sources, etc.)
- Execution Context (Process Sessions, ETL Sessions, Logs, etc.)
- Parameterization (Process, Agents, System parameters, Locations, etc.)
- Core repository metadata tables
- Specific ETL/ELT tool repository interface access views (VR)
- Common unified metamodel views (VC)
- Integration views combining VC views for easier usage (VI)

Deployment and Versioning

In order to further enhance developer experience in using ODI and minimize additional tasks that require execution while the development of data flow is being finished(mappings, packages, etc.), as well as to remove any possibility of user error while adding new features or enhancing existing ones, NeoOdiDeploy tool was created with following in mind:
1. Fully automate export / import process of ODI components from one environment to another (including creating backup copies, validation, rollback in case of inconsistencies etc).
2. Remove all extra steps from developer:
a) You don’t need access to all environments in your DW pool
b) Don’t worry about objects validation, whether they are old or new
c) Don’t worry about versioning
d) Don’t worry about dependencies

Admin & Monitoring Console

- Currently Running/Error/Late processes
- Why certain process haven't started
- What is the overall error cause
- Process Parameterization & Scheduling
- Manual start/stop execution
- Configuration Parameters (Agents, Processes)
- Monitor critical processes
- Notify responsible group of persons on specific events (errors, warnings, start/end of specific process, etc.)
- Start/Stop processes
- Execution times/trends
- Activity types time consumption
- Top N analysis

Maintenance Agents

- Automatic Cleaning of Processed Data (based on ETL execution status)
- Intelligent – Technology specific Execution (fe. drop partition vs delete sensitive)
- Automatic and ETL aware Statistics Calculation
- Automatic Tablespace cleaning and other DBA tasks
- Configurable on the Lowest Level
strong>Log & Stats
- Additional Process Execution Statistics
- Detail logs of execution times, type of operations
- Base for Performance Issues Analysis

Intelligent Execution Agent

Plan & Execute (RWYC)
- RWYC Principle Based Execution
- Dynamic Execution Plans
- Based on Prerequisites Automatically Identified from ETL Repository
- Configurable (Priorities, Execution Times, etc.)
- Easily Integrated with existing schedulers (Tibco, DB, In-house, etc.)






The reference logical architecture for Neos DI Framework is based on a number of implemented projects and best practice paradigms. This image represents a high-level overview of different areas and data flows that should be taken into consideration when designing an enterprise level data warehouse and analytics system. 


Area Purpose Nature Data Tracking
Data Staging Area (DSA) Storing source data deltas/snapshots to be processed further in DWH
Reducing load on source systems
Converting to common technical platform
Used also as Landing Zone (part of Data Lake)
Source data (no transformations)
Temporary storage
For specific sources can be also implemented as Operational Data Store (ODS) having same structure as source data but with history/versioning included
Standardized ETL procedures
Each dataset is marked with Identifier (SSN_ID) as a reference to metadata details about source, extraction type and period and number of other information automatically loaded as part of Neos DI Framework
Operational Data Store (ODS) Snapshot of current data in specific data source with latest data
Can be also used to store limited number of snapshots of source data
Used as intermediate stage between transactional databases and DWH (EML) and/or for operational reporting purposes
Usually data model is same/similar as one on source systems with optional extensions to store versioned data Standardized ETL procedures
Each dataset is marked with Identifier (SSN_ID) as a reference to metadata details about source, extraction type and period and number of other information automatically loaded as part of Neos DI Framework
Enterprise Model (EML) Industry specific common model
Unified & Cleansed data definitions
Logical model – Business oriented
Source systems independent
Semi-Normalized Model
Storing lowest level of granularity
Minimizing storage requirements
Data model is based on business entities and relationships
Data structure should not be affected by source system changes in most cases (except in cases additional data is introduced)
Change Tracking (SCD2, ETL Sessions info)
There are more stages ranging from storing data on lowest level of granularity to transformed unified data based on common definitions and calculations
Target Model (TGT) Common stage for accessing data thru reports, dashboard and ad-Hoc analysis
Also, can be based on specific external consumers requirements on structure and calculations (like central bank etc)
Accessed by End Users and/or external systems
Star schema like models
Specific Data Marts
Shared dimensions/objects
Specific export formats defined by external institutions/systems
Loaded from EM
Version Tracking Context Specific
Easily Restorable and reloadable based on requirements
Unified view across different datamarts
Data Lake (DLE) Storing large amounts of RAW data for discovery and further processing
Streaming / near real-time data pipelines
Staging area and Operational Data store
Data archiving
Complex processing involving large data sets and intensive CPU usage (simulations, data mining and similar)
Unstructured or semi-structured datasets depending on different stages:
Landing Zone: data in native format loaded as quickly and as efficiently as possible without any transformations at this stage
Sandbox Zone: Partially and subject oriented interpreted, structured and cleansed data for specific domain of exploration
Production Zone: Curated and described data sets with well-defined structure and purpose as a result of cleansing and transformations based on business logic.
Each dataset is marked with Identifier (SSN_ID) as a reference to metadata details about source, extraction type and period and number of other information automatically loaded as part of Neos DI Framework
Framework Repository (NEO) ETL/ELT orchestration including process metadata & execution traceability/lineage
Advanced Scheduling & parametrization
Prerequisites & Dependencies
Ensuring Data Load Traceability & Consistency
Common metadata repository tables and views/APIs for automatic integration of data from specific ETL tool repositories
Common ETL/ELT Templates & Modules
ETL/ELT Tool Repository Access Layer
All datasets are tracked by specific IDs with reference to metadata automatically loaded based on development/deployment of new objects and/or process execution results
Log tables with all details on each specific change and execution
More details can be found in materials related to Neos DI Framework

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