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Join the The Early Access Program for ReSharper and the .NET Tools 2025.1

JetBrains has officially launched the Early Access Program (EAP) for the next mayor release of ReSharper and .NET Tools. This program gives developers an opportunity to explore new features and improvements ahead of the official release, while providing feedback to shape the final version.

The first preview build brings several updates, including full integration for dotMemory with Visual Studio and a range of enhancements for ReSharper C++.

dotMemory Integration in Visual Studio

The latest EAP introduces better integration for dotMemory within Visual Studio. You can now profile your application’s memory usage directly in your IDE, without switching between tools. This update streamlines the workflow for memory diagnostics and helps developers quickly identify memory bottlenecks and optimize application performance.



The dotMemory workspace inside Visual Studio; Source: JetBrains Blog

Getting Started with dotMemory in Visual Studio

Here’s how you can begin using dotMemory within Visual Studio:

1. Install the ReSharper 2025.1 EAP 1 build.
2. Open Visual Studio and go to Extensions > ReSharper > Profile in the main menu.
3. Select a process to profile or start a new profiling session.
4. Adjust the profiling settings as needed, then begin the session.
5. Analyze memory usage in the Analysis tabs within the document window in Visual Studio.

To use the integration, you need Visual Studio 2019 or later. All existing dotMemory workspaces are compatible with this version. dotMemory is included in the dotUltimate suite. If you have a dotUltimate license, you can start using it right away.

ReSharper C++: What’s New in the 2025.1 EAP 1 Build

The first Early Access Program (EAP) build for ReSharper C++ 2025.1 introduces several updates and enhancements:

Cross-Platform Code Improvements
• Better support for conditionals with omitted operands.
• Support for the GNU #import directive has been added.
• New types, including _Float16, __bf16, and __float128, are now supported.

Code Editing and Navigation
• The Switch header/source feature suggests files containing symbols from the current file if no matching file name exists.
• The __declspec(property) feature now supports get and put arguments, along with Rename refactoring.

Code Analysis and Formatting
• Handling of the Indent class member from access specifier formatter setting has been improved for smoother typing assistance.
• A new inspection detects redundant forward declarations within a single file.

For a detailed list of updates and fixes, visit the issue tracker.

How to Try It

Download the EAP 1 build to test the new features. Your feedback helps improve ReSharper C++ for the final release. Let the team know your thoughts through comments or the issue tracker.

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