Neos CASE system redesign, technology upgrade to ADF 11g

Redesign of the present Law Firm Žurić i partneri information system is currently underway. The information system is used for monitoring the activities in the law firm on specific cases (Neos Time Capture) and maintenance of general and accounting data (Neos Main). Through use of the new version of the Oracle ADF (ADF 11g RC) technology, two-tier desktop application is transformed into a multi-tier web-based application.

The application is intended for a closed group of users, therefore authentication and authorisation methods used comply with the JAAS standard on the WebLogic server selected by Oracle as the new platform. The ADF RC technology facilitates web page design by using dynamic AJAX components, which makes the standard components such as tables, diagrams, menus and panels attractive and accepted by the users.
The application has been organised in modules and it therefore uses consistent methods for the client’s data validation, implementation of business rules and different languages (presently for Croatian and English).

Using of the iReport and Japer technology allows for printing of reports within the application and the connection was implemented with the Documentum system through development of its own API allows the users to access the central place for document storage, as well as new document entry, its updating (both in terms of contents as well as metadata), search and printing. The application is currently in the final testing phase.

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